Oh, the joys of IKEA!
The other day we went to IKEA to find me some type of new container to put my cross-stitching supplies in as I had outgrown my old milk crate. We found a very nice wicker basket that has a lid with buckles.
However, as anyone who has ever been to IKEA knows, in order to get to the check-out you are forced to walk through the entire store. This gives you plenty of time to browse through all of the other things you don't really need, but will buy just because... Talk about impulse shopping!
Well, we succumbed to it. There was a display of cookbooks and since A. is always encouraging me to try new recipes, we stopped a moment to look at them. First we looked at "Recipes from your Grandmother's Kitchen," which included a recipe for dandelion salad. (I could have sworn that dandelions were poisonous...) We also looked at a cookbook with Austrian recipes, one for pasta, and one for the wok (I don't have a wok).
As I have mentioned before, A. and I like food with flavor and are very fond of Mediterranean, Mid-Eastern, and Indian-style cooking. So when we happened upon a Turkish cookbook and then an Arabian cookbook, we just HAD to get them.
I am looking forward to trying out some of these recipes. As luck would have it, there is a Turkish market very near my apartment so I might actually be able to get some of the ingredients that are called for.
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