We have suspected it for years, but now more research is confirming it every day: Americans are eating themselves to death.
According to this article published in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, only tobacco use caused more deaths in 2000 than poor diet and physical inactivity.
These findings should serve as a wakeup call. Like smoking, poor diet and physical inactivity are behaviors that only you can modify. I know it's hard, but it can be done.
Take a few examples: American portions are huge and studies show that most people eat what is on their plates... I read somewhere that a serving of pasta at a restaurant in 2004 is almost 4 times bigger than it was in 1990! Add on the fact that in many American cities the lack of sidewalks discourages walking, and you have but a few of the multitude of reasons why over ¼ of Americans are obsese.
As for myself, I am still working on eating better and being more physically active. But moving to Germany has helped me in this tremendously. I know that not everyone can move overseas, but I would like share my experience:
Right before A. and I moved to Germany, I was at the heaviest point I had ever been in my life. I was trying to eat better and we were going to the gym, but it wasn't enough. We ate out a lot and our appetites matched our waistlines.
When we came here things changed. In general, I try to cook smaller portions than before and we don't go out to eat as much as we used to. Even so, when we do, from an American point of view the portions that we are served in restaurants are tiny.
Additionally, many restaurants in Germany make a great deal of money through drinks. That is to say, pop (or soda) is served in small glasses (normally anywhere from .2-.4 liters - that's only between 6 and 10 oz. or about 1 cup) and there are NO free refills. If you want another Coke, you have to pay for it... and it isn't cheap. Today in a restaurant, I paid 2,40 Euros for a .2 liter glass of Coke (at the current exchange rate, that is almost $3.00!). Of course, if you drink Diet Coke, the calories you might get in a regular 44 oz. Coke don't exist, but for me, Coke is my biggest vice and where most of my calories were coming from. Now, I don't drink nearly as much Coke as I used to and I bet I save at least 1000 calories a day!
Besides the change in our eating habits, we get more exercise than before due to the nature of transportation here. Yes, Germans love cars and drive them practically everywhere. But given traffic and parking problems, along with good sidewalks, public transportation (subway, bus, etc.), and the close proximity of things, walking is not only a necessity, but also a pleasure.
Slowly, we have made adjustments to living in Europe that have changed our lifestyles for the better. In fact, in the two years since we have been here I have lost 20 pounds without even really trying! And not only is that great for my physical health, but my mental health as well.
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