Yes, it is true that I have a Master's Degree. My Master's degree is an MLS (Master of Library Science). However, more than once during grad school I thought I should be getting an MPS (Master of Procrastination Science), because I am a master at procrastinating.
For example, I studied for my comprehensive exams not months or weeks before the exam like my roommate, but the night before. While I was working as a professional librarian I never started anything until a day (or maybe two if the project was really big) before the deadline. And now, I am no better.
For my new German class we are given homework... not a lot, but enough to keep me busy for an hour or so. My latest German class was last Thursday, so I have had 4 days to do any homework. But in those four days I have watched a German-dubbed American soap opera (twice!) and some sitcoms, fiddled around on the computer, cleaned my apartment, went out for lunch, watched two movies, talked with A. on the phone, and a bunch of other things that aren't worth mentioning, and finally, about an hour ago, I started my homework. Now, when do I have my next class? In less than 12 hours. Am I finished with said homework? No, I am blogging instead.
Oh well, c'est la vie!
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