Today I went to my favorite English bookstore in Munich, Words' Worth, and spent quite a while browsing through the books.
I could spend all of our monthly rent money in there. Not so much because there are so many books I want (well, actually there are...) but because English language books in Munich are so damn expensive! On average, a paperback runs between 10 and 12 Euros. (current exchange rate 1 Euro = $1.21) Of course, part of this has to do with trying to make a profit on imported books, but it is so irritating to see what such a book would cost in US dollars and then have to spend so much more on it. I can't help but feel like I'm getting ripped off!
However, they do have a section of books that are decently priced. They are "Penguin Popular Classics" and "Dover Thrift Editions." The up side is that they tend to run 3,50 to 5,50 Euros per book. However, these editions do not offer popular fiction, but "classics." Luckily, not only was I an English major in college, I also liked the "classics." :)
Today I added Dickens's The Old Curiosity Shop and Wharton's The Age of Innocence to my ever-expanding "classics" collection. I have read neither of them before, so I am looking forward to enjoying some good Victorian fiction.
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