14 April 2004

Art Notes

Today, A. and I went to visit the Lenbachhaus here in Munich as there is currently a Picasso exhibit being shown there. It is a very nice collection consisting of a variety of his works, including a huge collection of sketches.

However, in addition to seeing the Picasso exhibit, we also toured the rest of the Lenbachhaus. One of the highlights of their collection is a collection of works from a group of Expressionists that were centered around Munich in the early 20th century: Der Blaue Reiter.

One of the main artists of this group was Wassily Kandisky and I just fell in love with his works. They are abstract and so colorful. I am in the process of reading up on him and his works, but if what I saw today is any indication, I think I will be adding him to the list of my favorite artisits.

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