12 April 2004

A Walk in the Woods

Today was a nice day for a walk. Not too hot, cold, windy, rainy, or cloudy and right now there aren't a lot of bugs. We chose to go for a walk in the woods near our home. Along the way, we came across a small village church that while in good condition, appeared no longer to be in use. We found out from reading the plaques along the way that the church and its graveyard are all that remains of the village of Oberberghausen. While I found the church quaint, I really fell in love with the graveyard. It was very small, but what I found so interesting were the gravemarkers. They were not made of stone, but of intricate metal-work. According to A., this type of gravemarker is very common in the Alpine region and his Austrian grandfather, who was a metalworker, occaisonally made these types of markers.

Oberberghausen Graveyard
photo by blondelibrarian

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