21 July 2004

12 Simple Rules

I have often said that in my next life I want to come back as a pampered indoor housecat. In order to get a jump on the situation, I decided to observe my cats and try to live my life like they do. In doing so, I have drafted...

12 Simple Rules for Living a Cat's Life:

  1. You can never take too many naps.
  2. Take time to enjoy lying in the sun.
  3. Bathing is an art form.
  4. Sometimes you just gotta throw up a hairball.
  5. There is no shame in being a carnivore.
  6. Never clean your own litter box.
  7. Avoid unnecessary bursts of energy.
  8. Everything needs to be inspected once a day.
  9. Looking cute gets you a long way in life.
  10. Protest loudly when offended or not getting your own way.
  11. Always place yourself in the center of attention.
  12. Always Remember: You are the Boss!

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