31 July 2004

Stitching Notes

I thought about bringing my latest cross-stitch piece with me when we went to Cologne this past week, but I didn't. A. didn't take his notebook and neither one of us took a book so that we would be "forced" to spend quality time together. (ha ha)

Anyway here are some stitching-related notes...
  1. I am very close to being finished with the dragonfly piece that I am working on. I hope that I will be motivated to finish it this coming week.
  2. A couple of weeks ago I bought paint so that I can paint a couple of frames. I will then frame "Keeping the Eggs Dry" and "Precious Family."
  3. Now that I have my sewing machine I need to buy some material so I can practice my sewing and make pillows. I have at least one cross-stitch piece ("Cat Sampler") I want to make into a pillow.
  4. Maybe I will someday get around to making that quilt with my cross-stitch pieces now...

Bored housewives and crafts sure do go together... just like peanut butter and jelly!

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