15 July 2004

Cross-Stitch Blog?

When I first started my blog I was actually looking at starting a "cross-stitch blog." My main goal was to use it as a showcase for my finished cross-stitch and maybe talk a little bit about why I chose to do such pieces.

However, when I started my blog at Blogger they had no photo-uploading capabilities with free accounts. So, I just started babbling about my life.

Since the advent of "Hello" I have, on occasion, shown off my cross-stitch pieces, but up until now, I haven't really talked too much about my inspirations and such. However, I think from now on I will talk about it a little bit more.

Why? Well, first of all I joined a cross-stitch web ring and if I am a member I think I should do more than just show off my stuff. Besides, it was what I wanted to do in the first place.

However, dear readers who enjoy my "Culture Shock and the blondelibrarian" stories... Don't go any where! The cross-stitch babbling will just be an addition to my other babbling.

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